The Game Changers Genre : The Art of Health Promotion


Paul E. Terry, PhD
Editor, The Art of Health Promotion
President and CEO, Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO)


  • Laura Linnan, ScD, Director, Master’s Program and Associate Professor
    Department of Health Behavior and Health Education
    Gillings School of Global Public Health
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Laurie Whitsel, PhD, Director of Policy Research
    American Heart Association
  • LaVaughn Palma-Davis, MA, Senior Director, Health and Well-Being Services
    University of Michigan

In the September/October 2015 issue of The Art of Health Promotion, the “Game-Changers Issue”, we profile seminal leaders in the field, written by other of our country’s top health promotion leaders. We had two goals in mind:  First, for those who come to health promotion from other disciplines, profiling seminal leaders in the field offers a primer on the most indelible concepts that can serve as a foundation for future evidence-based innovation.  As importantly for aspiring game changers, these synopses of the extraordinary work of health promotion’s leaders offer models for what it takes to induce lasting change.

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